I forget them very quickly but IĀ“m hoping to remember some which I can "save" here.
23.11.2024My dreams are pretty fucked up lately. Big trigger warning for gore and death. Today, I had one of a few dreams where people around me die... a in very.. very detailed and slowmotion-type-of way. I don't remember any specifics other that one person. I don't know this man.. he seemed to be 40-50ish.. and for some reason his face seemed familiar. He, and a bunch of other people I don't know where inside a resturant of sort.. when all of a sudden, people started to die and got killed by an invisible force or something. That one man got his throat cut from left and right, to the point his head was kinda... off, but for some reason he was still holding it in place and was alive, but in intense pain. Then, suddly he was being dragged on the ground by the neck that was half falling off.. but it was winter randomly and snow what on the ground
That's it... Aw hell yeah fuck me š« š« š« š« . Well, at least a few other dreams were related to my jumpingspider.. that was more wholesome, too bad I don't remember any of the details.
02.01.2024I was on a walk through the city with two old school friends. First we were crossing a very busy road and had trouble with it, but we made it safely to the other side. It took a while. We then came to a place that reminded me of china and that appears here and there in some of my dreams for some reason when Im walking and wandering around. A lot of houses and gardens very close to each other, staircases, tiny tight paths and overall not a lot of room to move. When we reached the top of this house-hill-stair-hell I had lost both of my friends at this point and was alone.
From one corner, through an opening I heard a voice calling me, I should come over. I saw some person in the distance peaking through. Ignored it and continued walking because this was creepy as fuck. I then met two kind elderly woman talking to each other, said hello and walked past them at the top of the staircases. From below I could spot the same old lady who was calling me. She was apparently thinking I was her dead daughter and was very excited when I walked down the stairs. Then she realised I wasnt her daughter and she started having this empty look in their face. From out of nowhere she grabbed two huge kitchen knives out of her back and started to chase me with it. She called me a waste of flesh and that I came so her daughter can continue living inside of my body.
When I was running the stairs back up in shock I met the two elderly woman again who didnt understood what was going on at first but they could sense my fear. They then tried to stop the woman so she can't stab me. I didnt look back, but was hoping they didn't got hurt while trying to hold her back, and just run like a freaking maniac, hoping she wouldn't catch me. And luckily she didnt, but I can not remember ever finding my friends again. I wonder what happened to them..
I was in a deep forest with people I don't remember. I ended up being left alone in the tent, with nothing but darkness around me. I was near snow at first, but then it was mountains, grassland and a few others.. The landscape around me was changing at times.
Then, I must have felt asleep. I woke up the next day, rolling down something that seemed like tiny curvy labyrinth of some sort. Stood back up again and wandered over the big field and path next to it, which lead me to some sort of school I was walking through, but everything was outside. It wasn't a building. I didn't paid much attention to it, looked around here and there and continued walking at home.
When I arrived there, and opened the door to walk up, I saw my mom behind me with her bike coming up the stairs. She looked stressed and exhaused. I then checked the mailbody before going in, and noticed old pieces of text and letters all over the place. They felt oddly familair and they all were OC related. Things like "please take care of them", "remember to always .... before doing...." [full sentences are blurry].
Alright, finally getting to write about my dream I had yesterday. I still remember it because I wrote down 2 words lol. But yea that's really all I need to remind me of it.
The beginning of that dream is very blurry so I'm just going to skip to the stuff I remember clearly. We started hiking and had a guide with us. We entered a very dense, pretty forest, which seemed jungle-like. Many beautiful plants, huge leaves, and the sun was shining through. It was very peaceful and quiet. At some point, I started filming with my smartphone, so I can look back at it again later. And it was simply too beautiful not to keep that memory (..too bad, it was a dream). As I was filming and moving my phone around, I started to notice pink and purple lights everywhere. For some reason, I was only able to see them through the phone camera. As soon as I looked at it myself, nothing was there. Just green. So I filmed some more of that and then continued with the group.
Some time passed, and we finally reached our next stop. A very, very high mountain. Before I reached the highest point, I didn't know how high it really was. When I looked down, I noticed it was deep, incredibly deep. So deep I was afraid to go any further. Everything was covered in snow and trees. It actually looked like a video game instead of real life. The distance was unreal, but very beautiful as well. We continued the hike ... down the hill! For some reason we could easily go down, the hill was almost none existing a second later and I reached the bottom again. I started running to the bus stop in the distance, where the others already did a break. ... and that was the last thing I remember...
I've been dreaming about my plant and terrariums here and there, and last night was one of these. All sorts of creatures started crawling around as I was removing moss and looking underneath the substrate. I also found weird-looking snakes. One was very big, the others smaller. But they looked and acted very unusual. More like some fantasy dragon dino creatures. They also kinda reminded me of snapping turtles with their open sharp, shaped muzzles. They didn't hurt me at all but I was very afraid and unsure of what to do with it now. I was fascinated by them for a little longer.. and woke up.

I was on a vacation, with a group of people. Could be teachers, friends.. or similar. I rarely remember who was with me in a dream. But I knew them all.. somehow. I also met some new people there. Everything was super cool. At one point we started playing animal crossing and kinda jumped into the game ourselves. But animal crossing was so much cooler than in reality. So many new things to discover. For some reason, as we walked through the animal crossing world, it started mixing with the real world again and I visited a really cool shop. Which for some reason seemed strangely familiar. Could be that it appeared in a past dream before as well. One thing I remember was a basked full of beautiful rocks. But ended up buying nothing in the end.
I later then visited a new friend I met at their home and they somehow had their entire floor full of grass. real grass. everything looked so soft and green, I loved walking over it. The ground got watered by sprinklers. I was so happy about this experience and woke up with a smile. I was in such a good mood after that. lol.
TW: Horror Well that was probably one of the most intense dreams I had in a while and honestly I donĀ“t even know where to start. It was a mess. So IĀ“m just going to try to put pieces together.
I was in some sort of game world I would say. I also had an inventory that was always telling me it was full, along with an interface of little goods I could win that would help me. Such as Golden chocolate for example is a thing I can clearly remember. The world had different areas. One of them was a dessert which was a starter area and the one I definitely felt the most comfortable in. But everything after this was the "horror".
In houses and buildings were elevators and those elevators are teleport machines. They bring you to the next lvl basically. And the crazy part is how real it felt when I was using them. I could feel pressure and how my body wanted to rip apart. ThatĀ“s kinda how I imagine it would feel when we could actually teleport.
After the starter area I and some other ppl were teleported to the second and then the third lvl. In each, we had to either find something or someone and kill monsters. Which you could do by jumping on their head. But often, the monsters bite my foot and I couldnĀ“t move. Although they were tiny and quite flat on the ground, It was still scary, simply because these little beasts trapped me so that the boss which was in each area could have killed me easier.
In some of the first areas (I think it was the second) I stumbled across a monster that could even talk and it looked like a silly and small Godzilla xD. But except for this one, every other thing was there to end you.
In the very last area I was in (three) I was so afraid I wanted to go back. You could teleport back at any moment but you had to find an elevator for this. And I was in a panic and couldnĀ“t find one. So I ended up running around like crazy, lost my friends in that, and ended up in a very dark forest. All lights got dark behind me, everything was black. Then I came to an area with a little bit of light again- It was close to a bridge with trees or something. Kinda reminded me of a farm. And there, this very disturbing boss monster caught me. I already gave up at this point but when the monster grabbed me it started making fun of my crying and was just holding me up in the air with its two blood-vein-like hands. Kinda reminded me of stranger things four, which I had watched a while ago, so I guess my brain wanted me to see this thing in my dreams lol but it still looked slightly different.
The monster ended up killing me when I tried to run under the bridge and that was the last thing I remember. When I work up, I was still scared and didnĀ“t understand where I was. I was just laying there... until I could move again.
Definitely a nightmare... It all started with us trying to build a huge aquarium which I was super excited about (this probably was because IĀ“d been watching AVNJ a lot lately) but nothing worked. The setup was all over the place and we couldnĀ“t figure out how to add the curved front. The water was dirty and leaking too. But that wasnĀ“t even why I name this a nightmare. The real nightmare was the dream that followed. I remember it was the people from stranger things. (I at least remember eleven walking behind me in one scenario of it) who had to run with me and a few more people from huge asteroids which were smashing in. I thought my mom died because the whole area was just destroyed but somehow, not our house which gave me a little bit of relief. But we had to go. The world was burning. The last thing I was doing was trying to call my mom to make sure she was alive but my call never went through and I just ended up waking up...
It was a game-like world with different levels and environments. Very real and so pretty looking. I was actually dreaming of this kind of place before but this time I reached a higher level than last time. I passed all stages which I definitely remembered but then, there was a new area. It included green, blue human-like creatures with multiple limbs. And a huge tower in which they seemed to live in.
I then ended up in a gigantic house, which was definitely a new level area than in my last dream about this place. The house was scary as hell. At first, nothing happened and I was exploring the house with a bunch of other people, which I seem to know. But at one point, a Woman laying in beds everywhere, staring at me, and trying to come to me. But for some reason, I wasnĀ“t scarred and somehow knew it wasnĀ“t real.
TW Disturbing I was at a clinic of some sort, well they were doing tests and stuff at least. They wanted to investigate me next. Asking me questions and making tests. One of them included a blood sample. However, they didnĀ“t use a needle. They straight up pushed an about one-centimeter thick tube inside the lower area of my stomach. They told me this will clean my body and my blood, like some sort of blood dialysis. I remember having that rube inside of me for a short while, without even realizing what they were doing or that it entered my body, to begin with. I still thought everything was fine and they were just talking to me. In general, when I dream I never feel pain. I was also shot before and I felt nothing. I was just uncomfortable. And in that one, I was uncomfortable as well. I looked down at myself and just saw this big hole. But no blood was coming out of it. It was just a pink-red hole... I ripped the tube out and wanted to leave the room. The doctor wanted me to stay and told me that IĀ“m going to feel better afterward if I let it happen.
I donĀ“t know if it would have to end positively or negatively, because I then woke up...
I remember driving... & I had no idea how to do it. It was night, and I got into a panic and crashed into something...
Me, random people, and old classmates were together, writing some sort of test and I wasnĀ“t sure where to sit. But somehow we suddenly had to do parcours. One of them was a trail with some sort of labyrinth and we had to run through it. There was also another game with balls of all different kinds of materials and sizes. I stole the very tiny cotton ball and kept it in my pocket the whole time while helping others who couldnĀ“t solve the puzzles and games themselves. I also got lost a few times or had to do things I didnĀ“t want to do or which made me anxious but I donĀ“t remember what it was.