🦋 Wooden Puzzle
King Size Intergalaxy Butterfly! My second unidragon puzzle! (first was the tree of life in size L). Making this was rough, especially because I had to do it TWICE. (first flipover failed). I was able to redo it in one sitting, about 7h. My back was sent to heaven after that. But man I was very proud of myself. The first round took a month. yes, really. I guess I remembered it well and could put it together much much quicker a second time. I started redoing it on the same day I messed up.
I love unidragon's quality and also the boxes the puzzles come in so much!

Photo of when it was half way done first time.

All done baby! I hang it on my bulletin board

Back! Flipped over
Flipping this thing over to glue the back was a nightmare... KS puzzles are way too big for the kit you can buy for it... I'm not going to go into too much detail how I was able to flip that whole thing over. Had 40 mental breakdowns.. and had to put some pieces together again after the flip. If you never had a puzzle like that, there are very unstable. Especially the bigger ones.
Here on this pic, it's ready and glued!

Imported into my digital artprogram and lined, colored every single thing I could spot on there. Maybe 1 or 2 things are missing or I couldn't really identify them.. Compressed for loading purpose but it's 4K. view here