Time for more space!

If you don't remember, I've made a blog post about Soul, the Jewel Orchid Terrarium before, back in 2023, almost exactly a year earlier! And of course, its part of my plant collection too (which, at this current state, I still need to update + preview pic)
Soul is one of my absolute favorite things to look at! Well, Jewel Orchids as a whole are eye candy at it's finest! Don't ya think?
I went for a very high container, because we always had to cut the stems and leaves who touched the top. Especially flowers too. Poor things got squished. The new setup is much nicer, I really love the outcome of it and how the stem can be free in air. I'll cut it soon though. For energy reasons, I never let it bloom long. When taking it all out I noticed some orchids didn't even root but grew. That's interesting. I have a fear of overwatering due to issues with other plants of mine so that might be a reason.. it was likely too dry in some spots when I tried to water evenly. But glad they're all fine otherwise. It's my favourite terrarium setup and I would be quite sad if they're not well.
Here's a shot of when we started, and took the whole thing appart

If you didn't know, Jewel Orchids have a low amount of roots. Most of them at least. They generally dont grow a lot, but have rather thick roots. If you ever get a Jewel Orchid and notice little roots, don't panic. It's also why they prefer to stay moist almost all the time.
This time, I didn't took more photos while building. I just wanted to have fun building (which wasn't even as fun as the last, and tricky tbh) rather than thinking about saving progress steps, so forgive me for not being able to show off more of this. I would have loved to, though. Its nice to look back at it for me too.
Here again, the names of the plants in it:
- Macodes Dossinides 'Charlot Teng'
- Anoectochilus lylei 'Marshmallow'
- Anoectochilus albolineatus ´Ladies Best Friend`
- Macodes petola 'Exotic Jungle'
- Macodes Sanderiana 'Jungle Vines'
- peacock fern or 'rainbow moss'
- moss from nearby (I think some kind of shaggy)
The Terrarium is the Bioloark FD-250, a MONSTER. (In both size, and weight, and price lol)
Some Pictures of the final setup

The top was reached here
The biggest boi touched the top. I cut it off a few days a go, and put the stem in water, so the rest of the flowers can still bloom.