I will draw any species
27 Nov, 2024
Species Collection
Last updated: 18.12.2024
I like to say that "I can draw any species"... but, can I really?
In this post, I will draw and show you any species I haven't drawn before (or that I haven't drawn much at all). This will be frequently updated and receive additions from me as I draw more and more over time! By "can draw", I am referring to "making a decent job". Of course anyone can try to draw absolutely anything, but my goal is to create good, or at least decent sketches (and maybe more time-consuming renders, depends on my mood)! They will be drawn in my style but their normal form, meaning I won't turn them into anthros, humanoids or something. I wanna draw them in all their glory!
For real animals, I am using the Random Animal Generator from Randommer! I let it create one animal at a time for me, then I'll draw it, & move to the next! I won't skip any animal unless I have drawn it before, its too similar to an animal I've already drawn, or if results repeat.
For fantasy creatures or hybrids, I'll either use my imagination, or google search random things.
(click for full)
Fantasy, Fandom & Hybrids
Insects & other critters
PS: If you want to suggest a species, feel free to, just keep in mind that I might skip it if I have drawn it before. Please know that I skip stuff like 'dog', 'bird', 'cat' , mention a specific breed or species with unique characteristics. View all suggestions here