
Name: Holly
Age: Adult
Adopted: 09.08.2023 at 5-6i
Species: Phidippus regius "Everglades"
Gender: female
Molted with me: 1 time


Little Holly crossed the rainbow bridge very very suddenly overnight, the 24th and I'm literally crying my eyeballs out.. She started to slow down very very quickly on that day, and had lost all her strengh. I later found her on the glass, but near the bottom rather than the top, which was unusual. Then she was suddenly falling off the wall, 2 times in a row (luckily landed soft). Then she stopped and was sitting on the rock below. I offered her food and drinks and honey but she had no reaction to it, she was moving slightly and walking around a bit. A few hours later, overnight, I saw her upside down, she felt down the rock she was sitting on.. lifeless, legs curled in. Her death was so.. sudden.. she was so jumpy. Oh godness.. Its getting hard for me not to cry again writing this.

She meant a lot to me and was a wonderful, curious little fella who unfortunately passed way too early. She just reached adulthood not too long ago, she even died before my other, older girl and she's the first pet ever that I had who died in my care. I still check on her terrarium even though I know she's not in there anymore. I am going to preserve her and hopefully keep her 'alive' this way. I am happy that she was part of my life for at least a little while.

I have asked others for some comfort art... I really needed it.. badly. Please look at the wonderful art Holly received. She will be remembered. PS: yes you too can draw her if you would like to, anytime, no matter when you read this. One day or in 2 years. You can email me your art & display name, or site I should link to. I will love you forever.





She is now safe and secure in her little bottle of alcohol. She looks so peaceful, and still so alive. I hope that this setup with keep her beauty! I have her on my desk next to me where I can always look at her while I'm on desktop or working. And she's looking at me from above now.

Holly reached an age of approx 1+ years (6 months as an adult). I dont know how old she really was sadly, and if instar 5-6 was even correct when I bought her. Ori was smaller when she came and she had the same age listed. Holly was already so big and she left us too soon.. too soon... Even as an adult, she could have lived much longer. I don't know what the cause of death was.. really I don't. Sometimes there isn't anything you could have done to prevent this. I really wish I would know if this was my fault. Was the cricket I gave her okay? Was it too big for her? Was she exhausted from laying eggs? Sick? Did she ate a sick insect I was unaware of? Just age? I will never know. But I hope she had a good life.. I tried to make it nice for her.

Rest in peace little fella, fly high...



I was a bit bamboozled when I saw an egg sac this morning. Holly.. is adult? I stopped seeing her the last 2 days and though she was inside her shell. But I found her behind a leaf while cleaning the room today and was honestly so confused... Is she older than i6(7)? It seems faily young for a spood to be mature at this state. But i guess not impossible. Before her last molt, she looked quite young still and it also didn't took long for her to molt?? The last one is usually much longer.

huh... well, other than that I rehoused her 2 weeks a go, along with Ori. She got an 20x20x30 terarrium from me, along with a multipurpose day and heatlamp. Temps were a struggle since the cold season. The little heatpad wasn't super strong and it was overall a pretty annoying setup. I can tell she feels much nicer with more heat and space.


Holly has been very quiet for the last weeks and just finished molting today! She did overnight most likely when I was sleeping. Everything went well and she is completely out of her past skin. Now she's just chilling in her hammock and waiting for her exoskeleton to harden up. Ori's personality changed after a molt, I'm currious how Holly will be like. Maybe some changes in her behaviour or just the same old spood she was before.


I wanted a second spood! My sweet sweet girl arrived today.. which was extremly fast delivery from Switzerland to Germany. (overnight) But I wanted to be safe than sorry so I went for the express option. Ori was from Germany, not too far away and she was almost a week in there :( so.. yea. I really wanted to avoid that. Now she's doing very well and is much much more 'extrovert' compared to Ori. Having different personalities to deal with is very fun.

Holly is very jumpy and got on my hand right away. I feared that I loose her... she really is very fast.. and so fucking adorable it's illegal.

Now Holly needs to adapt to her new home. But it seems she already found her home in Ori's past shell at the top and started building her hammock.

You can check my Tiktok for some more videos of her


Exo Terra 20x20x30 + top


Instar = amount of times the spider grew out of her old exoskeleton

Instar 6-7

since: 07.09.2023

Instar 5-6

since: (?)09.08.2023