Funny / DJ / SingerAge: 24
Species: Human
Gender: male [he/him]
Orientation: straight
Birthday: 16.11
IZ score: 154.083

Rodwig came to Totmansdoll a few years a go, wanting to start over and live a chill and cozy life in the little isolated village. He definitely wasn't prepared for the huge turn in his life. Today, he has to deal with supernatural dangers, thanks to Lui and his community. He and Lui became best friends and do pretty much everything together.
Rodwig is a huge music enjoyer! Occationally does music himself and sings together with his friends. He of course loves parties too and plays the DJ there sometimes! He's into rap and battle music and likes speedy songs most.
- Loves to sing
- Dreads are almost always covering his eyes
- Lui's best friend
- Runs into issues quite often
Lui is part of the band he put together! He, Rodwig, and Karly are the 3 most active members and produce music regularly. However, they're not the only members. Their friends love music just as much and are often featured in their work as well. Especially Rebecka, Nicole, and Niche enjoy joining in on many occasions, as well as Brittany, Rebecka's cousin.
The band formed a couple of years ago. They always loved music, singing, making sounds, and editing audio, but they never called themselves an actual group in the industry. The band started to develop a little before Rodwig arrived in Totmansdoll. Lui, Rebecka, and Karly already made a couple of concepts at that time. That's also where the band name originates from. "L.U.I.". At first glance, it sounds rather selfish but simply stands for 'Living Unchained Instinct' which mainly means and connects to feeling freedom and unstoppable passion. Exactly what they all experience when singing, DJing, and parting! Another more lightheaded reason is that it simply sounds cool to them.
Music genres are quite wide because they love and enjoy a huge variety of music. Independent, pop, and electronic dance are quite high on the spectrum. They also do and enjoy most 'club music', after all, they own a club together which recently got renovated as well, including a better sound system! They also enjoy performing live in their club many people love to go to!
Everyone in the band sings! Nobody just plays an instrument. However, either Lui or Rodwig loves to play guitar to some songs. They mostly sing to their prerecorded audio which they do in their studio.
Abilities & stuff..
shapeshift Flying Communicating through thoughts
Untrue Inferno FormThis guy is on.. uhm fire? What is this, why is he so colorful? Well, Rodwig is an untrue inferno. A dragon chi made by human hand. Rodwig has pretty much the same abilities and strength an Inferno has but is not a god! He didn't envolve or was a different dragon at first.
Lui gifted that chi to his best friend! The chi is structured in a way his body can process it.