Name: Rodger Kotosky / "D" / Doro
Age: 50000+
Species: Iceman
Gender: male [he/him]
Orientation: straight
Birthday: 10.04
Golden Turtle who mainly has to deal with the problems others have. He´s Lui´s 'companion' and there to protect him but this "job" was kinda forgotten about considering the circumstances.
IZ score: 37.694
"I think I´m not the most normal individual. Born in a different galaxy, belonging to the planet earth now! Not too long a go I found out I was adopted. Marius, my 'dad' raised me and my actual dad is an Iceman, not a Lupiton meaning I too, am an Iceman. His name is Georgy. For those who don't know, we iceman are ancestors of the Lupiton species. How cool heh? (well maybe not.. I liked being a Lupiton, we are more peaceful)"
"Unlike other bone turtles living on earth, I´m quite special hehehe, I´m golden! I´m the only one that exists.. (that's at least what was believed).. and came to earth due to the existence of the legendary golden dragon ( my friend Lui). As I found out, my mission was actually to destroy earth, along with him. Our species did this all the time.. But not me, I am currently trying to convince my dad, but Georgy is pretty... well stubborn. But I'm doing my best."
"I´m able to change my whole body/bone color to whatever I want, because of the magical rainbow ring, however.. not when I turn into my dragon self. But mainly I walk around in a dark grey tone. Plain and boring to hide my real appearance. It only looks like I´m a 'normal bone turtle' that way. Oh yeah, btw. being called Rodger is something I hate more than anything else... It´s the name Marius gave me (nothing against him, he's great) but I just can´t stand it. Georgy, my actual dad calls me "Doro" which I assume is where I got the "D" from. I didn't even remember him or anything from when I was a very little, but its quite interesting that I choose it. Doro is a name I can't identify myself with quite yet, but I don't mind it."
D is pretty silly but tries very hard to fit in. Often he finds himself in situations where he ruined everything and gets all the mean looks. It´s not his intention, at least most of the time, to mess everything up but he´s just a little light headed.
D is very kind however. And tries to make friends with most people! He also likes to get into situations which aren´t his business, simply because he´s curious. He also likes to help his buddies in fights against the dark souls and Dusties out there, it makes him feel stronger and more connected to his friends. D isn't the strongest and quite insecure if some bad guy catches him alone. He's stronger and better with his tactics in a team and people he knows and trusts.
He is very protective and careing with Feli, Lui's and Rebecka's son as well as Love, their daughter. Mostly he feels like they can't protect themselves and is "the annoying uncle" to them.
- sunsets
- music
- quiet moments
- people he can trust
- chips
- Infinity/most of cryptons population
- Boring days
- Marius obsession with his flowers
- People without humor
- sour food
"D has kept his diary for quite a while and documented his life.. here are a few old pieces I found again" ~Lui
Ah.. I guess I´ll just write down my journey here. But be aware that I´m quite a lazy turtle.. Well at least the people I met always said that about me. Eh - Not cool.
So then... here I am , on Earth. Just had a pretty hard landing in a field. A lot of people probably saw and heard me from a distance and will investigate the area. I mean I´m literally a meteorite. Not that they will find anything.. There is nothing I left behind. And if they really do find something then that would be a disaster. Nobody knows I´m back again.
I do hope this 'life' will be easier for me than my last. I had many bad stuff to deal with which was killing me inside.... but so far everything seems peaceful, haven´t meet any dark creatures so far but I´m also hiding for now. I do need to find the choosen one who caused my visit again. I´d love to meet the new golden god who´s living on this planet they call "Earth". And he surely can help me to survive on here. I do hope he is no complete idiot who dies quickly because that would definetely be my end (again). Soul bounds are a bitch..
I wonder how Lukas is doing. I haven´t seen my dear cousin for uhm.. definitely 50 years I´d say. He probably still has his little Laboratory with all his experiments. This was always my favorite place to hide.. he I mean - be.
Ahh well... We will see how it goes. But I somehow have a good feeling this time!
I just found this old diary again that I wanted to write... oops.
It´s been a couple years now, lot´s of events happened, both good and bad. Let me tell you, things weren´t going the way I was expecting them to be. But here I am, still alive, writting in my weird online diary probably nobody will ever read.
But wow, so many things happened, I´m just going to talk about a few.. otherwise my none existing brain will go in standby.
First of all..the golden guy I was trying to find is... a complete idiot. surprise, surprise... But to be fair, he always comes back to life when he dies.. Good for me! We had many difficult years but it was totally worth it! We even discovered mystical areas before which I cound´t find the last time I visited this planet. That guy, ooh Lui is his name by the way, is such a strong dude! Seriously I´m proud of him but oh god please don´t tell him that I think that way... Seriously.. that's weak.
ow yea, another super crazy thing I really wanted to write about is that I have an actual doppelganger alien buddy now. I could write a whole novel about this but - I won´t. All you need to know that he is just like me but.. full metal? Yea well, his planet is pretty metallic and cold too so I guess what makes sense? We have become very good friends and he helped me in my darkest times. If you see us, you could think we are enemies because we like to annoy and beat each other sometimes but it´s all not that serious.
I dont know.. anything else I forgot? probably 21000 things, like Lui would say. Uhg I really hate our insiders sometimes.
Dear Diary,
I-. ok no I won´t write that way. forget it.
It´s been a while again since I´ve written down anything and this will probably be my last entry, at least for a while. I, Lui and all the others are doing great, with evil monsters trying to kill us and our family. Just the usual. Honestly our issues are my daily routine now. It´s kinda funny.
Abilities & stuff..
transfoming into a dragon changing color [as a turtle] Flying Communicating through thoughts Teleportation
Dragon FormD´s dragon form is quite dark colored compared to his true golden turtle self. For that reason he mainly walks around in this form whenever he´s with strangers. To hide his identity. Well that, or he makes use of his ring.
It is quite uncommon for bone turtles to have a dragon form or obtained Chi. D is, as an Iceman, one of the bone turtle species who still have this ability. Newer generations don't have it, including Lupitons, the species that raised him. For that reason he often felt a bit like an outsider and didn't fit in at all times. At one point it was also believed that D is a mutant, which made a couple of Lupitons scared of him, altough he never did anything bad to them.
His eyes and horns glow slighly which helps to see him in the dark. D also has nightvision but it´s not that great and he prefers not to go out at night. Its quite scarry for him anyway.