Character World
Totmansdoll is just the village and focus which all of my characters belong to! I mainly use this area of my website to explain, write things down, illustrate items, areas and more. I just have this as a personal project, nothing more. Thanks for looking!
A small village where life isn´t so peaceful like it might seem....
On this very normal looking Earth, people are living a normal life. To many, the more unusual aspects are unknown...
Years ago, there was war and fear between Lighties and Dusties. A huge rule book keeps the balance and is full of magic... But everything changed since the page who was responsable for this war got ripped out by good and brave people. ...well, some say this page got removed by an idiot... but that's a different story.
Since this day, the islands above the village seem peaceful, and both kinds get along nicely. But nobody there is safe. A much bigger problem appeared... a massive black crack in the universe, causing an imbalance. Which not only affects the islands, but the world below as well. People refer to it as the "U". Aliens, affected from the dissaster are trying to fix this issue and travel to earth. But how can it be fixed? Killing the one who caused it, that's what people believe! Too bad, that guy is close to immortal, but perhaps the death of the universe can be stopped in much better ways.
The U, aka the Imbalace is a black mass-crack floating and growing in space, not too far away from earth. If untreated, it will eventually kill the whole universe and expand endlessly.
The U happened due to bloodline changes in the Garden family. Fred, who is a Dustie, the 'Dark Dragon' needs to give part of his dark chi to his older child, to continue the bloodline. However Lui, his son, had other plans, although unknowingly. Resulting in him becoming a Lighty. Simply put: The universe couln't handle the imbalance in the bloodline of the dark dragon. Its also assumed that it had even worse consiquences because Lui is the golden dragon, basically the opposite of who his dad is. Before the page responsable for war got ripped out of the book, Dark and Golden dragon where the ones fighing till death, history says. Which would then crown the winners and those would rule over the magical lands. But fortunetely, it never happened, this time.
Shows Totmansdoll in the top right area
The lands in the area are mostly flat, covered in corn fields or green open fields you can run around on. Totmansdoll only has a very small amount of bulidings and lot´s of nature going on. The little village is close to a massive ocean and cliffs. A small path goes down to the beach that is covered in warm sand and blue clear water.
Inside the ocean, near the coast are pretty impressive stone formations and natural pillars, also often used from dragons and those who are able to fly, as parkour and to test their limits.Around Totmansdoll and behind the big ocean, massive fields and nature, are cities and much more industry heavy areas. The little village is more protected and peaceful compared to other areas.Totmansdoll also has a little jungle area right next to it. It's connected to the beach.
Important places and buildings, including space. Places on the flying islands are separted and talked about here
The cafe is located on the street between Totmansdoll and New York, visited by many althought its location is literally in the middle of nowhere. The desserts are top notch, so that might explain it. Many people visit for cake, cupcakes, bread and coffee. Nicole works there, many people are a big fan of her special creations. At the same time, its where people and her friend group commonly meet and sit together.
Totmansdoll has a simple but great school system, which is mainly visited by residents of the village. People off all ages visit it actually, not just kids and teens. Mr. Mothby and Mrs. Nanny always have great things to share and talk about. The school times are pretty open and flexable, no one needs to spend half a day there, but can.
The old treehouse is a very liked place for friends to meet. Its located in the jungle area right next to Totmansdoll. Lui, Hektor and Fluffy put it together with help of their parents when they were younger. Nowadays they don't use it anymore, at least not together, but its still in good shape and taken care off. It's also heavily decorated and has furniture.
The Quarry is a well visited place to swimm in, not far from the treehouse area. The deepest point is several hundred meters deep and connects to the ocean nearby. Most people simply use this place to relax and have fun. The quarry even has a small cave at the edge you can rest in. It's used to sleep in in summer occationally.
[let's leave the planet...]
This place connects all life, you will find all sorts of aliens on there. People searching for Jobs oppotunities, visiting the black market or simply traveling. The Galaxus is quite literally the center of space. Not only that but it connects several universes with each other as well. If you travel through time and worlds you get teleported there, unless you use and calculate specific cordinates. Might sound really funky, but the Galaxus is actually a building on top of a huge semi transparent pink platform, connected to several streets. It doesn't look too unusual, has something from a castle,chirch and racing arena. Huh maybe a little unusual...
The Galaxus is also the home of the Eversky family, gods who rule the universe.
Station on the moon, built and used by Max and Anna Tosdohl, Rebeckas parents. This station is a secret... to literally just them. Over the years, people on earth understood whats going on... The station has a built in labor they both use to test their products on animals. (well, primarily their pet dog)
Its name might tell you something else, but The Middle is actually the beginning on the universe. Home of Debby Eversky, the oldest of the family ruling space. Its a platform consisting of nothing but stardust which spins slowly and is really bright. This area isn't open to everyone and can only be entered with Debby's approval. She created this area, away from her family to do her own thing unbothered.