Species Lore



Imagine Earth: But anthro animals mixted in: And BOOM, you've got the main population of the universe. Humans are, well, humans. Animals are just like them and walk on two. However they're almost exlusively mammals. Reptiles, besides supernatural stuff like dragons, aliens and chis, are close to non-exisiting. They're liked, they're just not reproducing a lot, resulting in a weak population.

The majority of the population are in fact human beings. With about 75%. Both specie types are working jobs, living every day lifes like normal people do. But ofc, some of them are part of the supernatural world and obtained chi through connections, family or by accident. The indivituals who do are pretty quiet about it, and are bascially living two lifes at once.

Even the majority of indivituals outside earth (uncluding cryptos below) look fully human! Some of them have more unnatural details like glowing hair, eyes, specific abilities etc, but appearence-wise look like normal folks... if we ignore the way their homes and planets look. Some also got a little more 'funky' outfit style popular on their planet, but they mostly avoid it if visiting earth.

Quick Facts

  • - main population
  • - they all love music, generally
  • - humans, mainly, anthros secondary
  • - ferals (with minimal exceptions) are feral only. No human features



Boneturtles are Aliens and come in a variety of subspecies! The Modern Boneturtle, which lives exclusively on earth since thousands of years. Lupitons aka the golden boneturtles who populate Lupiton, a planet in the same galaxy as Earth. Icemans, an even older species of boneturtle who are primarly traveling space without a homeplanet. They also have the ability to turn into a reptile, dragon-like form that is within their DNA. And Lotus, which is believed to be the first and oldest boneturtle species in the universe. Just like Icemans, they also have a secondary form. They used to populate a planet called Icicon, which exploded millions of years a go. They're eyeballing earth currently and occationally visit it. Lotus are the worst of them all however, not friendly.

There are visual differences between the species. Bone shape, coloration and amount of cracks in the bones. Older species also look much scarrier. Modern turtles, who are significanly younger, appear much more friend shaped.


  • - Lupitons are the only ones living on their homeplanet
  • - Most of them travel through space
  • - Lupitons are visiting The Galaxus regulary due to jobs
  • - The youngest currently living turtle is 50.000 years old, located on earth



Crypots are an alien reptile shapeshift species conisting of black mass and have no chi that can be taken or obtained. They're intelligent organisims from Crypton who populate the planet. Crypto reptile forms exist in two color variations: a brownish yellow (common), and black indivituals, who are very old and one of the first ones who populated Crypton. Often indivituals with wings get confused with the one and only 'golden dragon', since their scale colors look almost alike.

These kind of shapeshifters consist of nothing but black mass, they can look very normal, human however. Cryptos mainly have a dark aura and are not friendly, but they can learn to trust and develop feelings.

Crytops are an old alien species from a different galaxy. They can already transform at a very young age. The Reptile is part of them/their DNA and not something they have to obtain. Those dark souls live in darkness mainly. On earth, they prefer to use cave systems and tunnels. But some just live a normal life in houses. The reason for that might be their home planet. They have multiple suns but those arent bright and big enough. Because of it, Crypton is always dark. Cryptos have amazing night vision as well..

Cryptos have electricity-based power. Most of them have powers related to it, but at the same time can be hurt with the same element too. Eletricity that is not their own is painful to them, which has something to do with their dimention. Electricity from earth and the universe in general is structured differently.


  • - Some Cryptos are way stronger than others
  • - Only females have bands coming out of their face
  • - They are doopelgangers. One indivitual from earth looks exactly like they do. But this only applies to the human apperance
  • - Their scale color is "satang". A color name only they use. (it´s a brownish yellow). They also don´t know what "gold" means.
  • - they have their own language, only gods on earth can understand them.

Chi's & other kinds

People have the ability to turn into a dragon by obtaining chi or having a special status in the magical world. Actual dragons and beasts also take place in this universe but are rare compared to the ones changing form.

Iz Score

"Iz" or originally "Is" ( short for Internal storage) is a score which shows how high someones power is, consisting of abilities, dragon, strength and skills. Anyone who has a visible score that can be messured is considered supernatural, while others are called 'normies' (normal folks).

Known Scale
0 iz Normie
1 - 499 iz Different
500 - 999 iz Strong
1000 - 99.999 iz Unique
100.000 - 999.999 iz God
1.000.000 iz + Insane

"Chi" are usually glowing light balls that you put on your wrist to obtain their power. Can be given from person to person in most cases. HOW exactly chi 'grows' is unknown.

Normally a person can not have more than one chi at a time, it´s not biologically possible and leads to instead death for none gods. Anyone who has obtained a chi will have a 'mark' on their wrist which shows a simplified look of the creature they can turn into. Most can also hide their marking to cover up their abilities in front of others to protect themselves. There is a special kind of gem that allows to obtain and keep more than a single chi in their bodies, or more specifically in the gem. They're called 'Aszendent' by the population (expl. in items), and exist more than once, though they all originate from the same og crystal shard and got cloned, less affective and much smaller, but they work just fine.

Out of all the supernatural people in the world, a score of about 10-35IZ is the most common. Only a small percentage of the world are strong or unique level, and an even smaller are god level.



Scalies (scalled dragons) are about 90% of the dragon chi people obtain.

They come in all different sizes and forms and include both, eastern and western dragons. Most people look kinda like their true-self. If they are small, their dragon is also smaller, if they are chubby, their dragon is too. and so on. However some look completely different, depending on the chi-type.

Most scalies are weak. They have no fancy side effect abilities or talents, other than flying and breathing fire.


Scalie chi can either be given, or be found on the flying islands. Most of the time it is given however. Boneturtle often give them away and collect them, so you'll have the most success getting your very own chi from one of them.

Just like with most dragons, scalies also exist in more and less special chis. The strength and rarity of a chi can depend on the indivitual, some chis develop first before the person can transform, other times the form has a 'fixed' look, which mainly applies to special cases, bound to certain events or status. A great example of this is Fred's Dark Dragon, and Lui's Golden Dragon.


  • - usually weak, unless special
  • - scalled body all over
  • - some indivituals have no, or tiny wings
  • - easy to transform into in comparison to other chis, which makes them a great 'starterpack'.



Infernos, also known as "Fire Gods" are one of the most powerful dragons. Only people with a high status and Iz can obtain such power and transform into a beautiful fire creature. To many, these dragons used to be rumors for hundreds of years.

Inferno chi exists in a huge variaty of colors, sizes and shape. Some of them more special than others. Some can only be obtained and developed if indivituals have a very speific status and existence.


Inferno chi can develop in a few different ways. However, it can not be obtained by luck or stealing. Those who turn into fire must already had at least one other dragon power in their body as well as a high status.

The most well known Inferno , which is named "Blue Inferno" is a special case which develops only from a golden dragon. The blue inferno is the evolution of it. This type on inferno is so special because it only exists once. Whoever the golden dragon is, can develop into a blue flame. The chances are high or low based of off the realtionshop between golden and pink dragon. If their bound is strong enough, the chances increase.

Inferno chi can also be gifted from high gods, from those who are infernos as well or even more powerful indivituals. Especially pure white Inferno Chis are commonly gifted.

One exception however is an "inferno" called "Rainbow Beam". Unlike others, this kind of dragon is a mutation and has no chi form. It is also believed that both aren't related even if both are fire dragons.


  • - Once someone has obtained such a chi, the life span will no longer be natural. Infernos live until they get killed.
  • - They don´t flap with their wings to fly. They can float and jump in air
  • - Normal indivituals can not touch infernos. But it feels slighly cold, when one walks though your body.


U-Infernos are 'fake', synthetic dragons, developed and put together by Lui in this weird lab! U-Infernos have parts of multiple different Inferno-Chis as well as very specific DNA and can feature a variety of colors, which is not possible in true Infernos. This chi can be obtained by normies and is not harmful or dangerous to the indivitual, no matter their IZ. They are not gods, but have god-like power.
[ Characters who have U-Inferno Chi = Karly, Rodwig, Nicole]

more lore soon... ;w;